Thanks COVID-19

Enjoy life :) 
It has been quiet long time when this outbreak of virus happened. Almost half a year this ugly thing is walking around the world collecting its victims. We were forced to stay home to save lives. Even though we might not have the virus we were still obliged to stay home, locked in our houses. 
I was thinking how lucky I am to have someone near me. With whom I change my ideas and crazy thoughts. Someone to laugh together, someone to be angry with. Someone to touch and hug. Though by my nature I need as well my own space. I discovered that I couldn't be able to survive this ugly period totally alone, watching four walls. Alone. 
I have read lot of articles how it is good to stay alone and meditate. Learn to be with ourselves. Perhaps that is the reason the virus came to this world? Letting us know that we need to take time off, stop running and we should start to look around us. 
I read that in China there were lot of divorced couples. Two persons living together, they did not even knew each other. And learning to know each other they discovered to be so different that they had to leave each other. Maybe it is not happening only in China but in all over the world. 
I think it is not about being alone or chasing our dreams, but to accept each other. We are way too much individualists, thinking only of our own needs. Chasing our own dreams. Sometimes we need to accept that there is another people around us, whom we need to find balance with. 
For me it was great learning point in life. Everything is not about only my dreams, my wanting. My-mine-me ... It is all about collaboration to build together something amazing, which is called family. 
Perhaps that is what this ugly monster is trying to teach us? But we continue waiting when pandemia is over to go back to our old ways. Finding something that is not there. The same circle. Same all. 
Maybe it is time to us to look around and re-evaluate our values? 
Even nature is having a relax of human footprint. I do not know if all the photos published in internet are true, but I have seen lots of Amazon changes in nature too. Maybe Mr Covid was called by nature? It needed time off too. 
I don't know the reason why, but what I know is the fact that it was time for us to learn something new. Up to us of we understand the lesson. 
