I have been working from home since the beginning of March this year. To be honest I love working from home. My space, my time and routine.
I even started to work out in the mornings. When I went to office, I did not have time to do so. Honestly, I do not know where I lost my time... Somewhere it went.
Additionally, I found more time to my passion - reading. I have finally time to read books again!
All is almost amazing, but during this period I started to miss chatting with my colleagues. Virtual coffees are not my thing. Maybe I am too old for it? But I miss human faces, smells, noise and all that comes with interaction!
Benefits of home office
- Wasting less time on travel home to office and vice versa.
- More productive time
- Custom environment (oh yeah! flowers and pics how I like it, or bunch of books around me)
- More comfortable doing calls ( no one ears dropping or making huge noise around you )
- No MAKE UP! :D My skin just rests!
What are disadvantages?
- Work and private life become mingled into one
- Working too much extra hours
- Missing out on taking breaks
Today I was thinking that for me would be the best mix working from where I want and time to time meet with my colleagues in some place in the world.
My dream is to set up my life in Italy one day. Working remotely for a company and quarterly travelling to meet my colleagues or organizing team meetings somewhere in Italy. In a place like Lago di Garda during the summer!
Though the dream seems far away as fantasy land, but who knows maybe it comes true one day!
Dreaming costs nothing :)
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