Books I am planning to read

Thanks to the virus I have more time to dedicate to my passion - reading. 
I love to read in languages I know mostly I read books in English or Italian. 
Sometimes in Spanish and Estonian too. 

This year I made myself a promise to read at least 50 books. Half is almost achieved! I like to read almost everything. Politics, history, romance, thriller. Only genre I am not so fond of is travel books. I read them but not as much as other topics. 

Currently in my reading list: 

Umberto Eco "Baudolino" 
Robin Norwood "Donne che amano troppo" 
Alessandra Neci "Isabella e Lucrezia, le due cognate. Donne di potere e di corte nell'Italia del Rinascimento"
Tiziano Terzani "Fantasmi. Dispacci della Cambogia" 
Ray Bradbury "Farenheit 451" 
Alessandro Barricco "Seta"
Francis Scott Fritzgerald "Tenera e' la notte" 
Doris Kearns Goodwin "Team of Rivals: The political genius of Abraham Lincoln"
Tiziano Terzani "Pelle di leopardo"
Tiziano Terzani "Mustang. Un viaggio" 
Kai-Fu Lee "AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order"
Ildelfonso Falcones "La mano de Fatima" 

Have you read one of these or planning to read? Let me know in the comments. 

I just started to read another Umberto Eco book - "Nome della rosa", which I read many years ago in Estonian and I loved it. Now I am reading it in original language - Italian. And I must say that Eco has an amazing writing style. Italian is beautiful language, but he has reached yet another level of using it. 
But about this book specifically in our another post :) 

Cheers to all Book readers! 
