Superbug E. coli

Superbug E. coli

Experts have revealed that failure to wash hands after leaving the bathroom is more likely to spread drug-resistant E. coli than consuming raw or under-cooked meat.
Poor hygiene by humans, specifically insufficient hand washing after defecation, is especially responsible for the spread of antibiotic-resistant — superbug — strains of Escerichia coli bacteria

There are many strains of E. coli, and a large number are either harmless to humans or cause only mild health problems. Infection with a pathogenic strain, however, can cause blood poisoning or other serious conditions.

There are plenty of important food-poisoning bacteria, including other strains of E. coli, that do go down the food chain. But here — in the case of ESBL-E. coli — it's much more important to wash your hands after going to the toilet.

Wash your hands at least 20 seconds with soap and water! 

