"If you need something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." - Margaret Thatcher, a.k.a The Iron Lady

"War is to a man what maternity is to a woman." - Benito Mussolini

"The Wall will still be standing in 50 and even in 100 years" - General Secretary of the Socialist Unity Party of German Democratic Republic Erich Honecker in the year 1989

“He who defends everything, defends nothing.” – King of Prussia Friedrich II

“The more a man knows, the more he forgives.” – The empress of Russia Catherine II

“Destiny may ride with us today, but there is no reason for it to interfere with lunch.” – The emperor of Russia Peter I 

 “There are three things that nobody believes: that Archduke Albert is a good general, that I (Henri) am a good Catholic and the Queen of England (Elizabeth I) is a virgin.” – wisecracked Henri IV Bourbon, king of France

“I would rather lose all my lands, and a hundred lives than be king over heretics” – Philip II, king of Spain
