Short Story: "Lost In Italy 1."

Short Story: "Lost In Italy 1."

Once, a tiny Northern-Tit flew to the south.
He flew with other birds. He was smaller than the others. He couldn't fly as fast as other titties. One day the others decided to continue their journey alone and left the tiny Tit behind. The little Tit decided to fly alone to the south. but he didn't know how long should he fly. He flew to the seaside. but he had flown too far.
He didn't know where he was or what he could eat. Other birds seemed very unfamiliar to him. He was very sad and alone. He saw a bird washing in the water and decided to ask him where he was.
"Hello, what country is this?"
Another bird did not answer because he did not like a strange bird.
But after a long watch he replied:
"I've never seen such a bird around here, who are you? I think you're in the wrong place."
"I know I'm in the wrong place. Usually, I fly with other birds but they flew without me. I can't fly to the south  myself."
"You're in southern Italy. Very nice country but you have to be careful here. We don't have any of you here. Everyone starts asking you questions or teasing you."
"Oh, how did I flew so far. We will never fly that far"
"I don't know that, but you're in a wrong place little bird."
The bird flew away
The stomach started to empty and Tit began to look for food.
He did not know what to eat because everything seemed very unfamiliar to him.
He flew from one tree to another and everyone was watching him. He decided to fly back, but he didn't get far. He quickly became tired. He had to eat something quickly. He found the fruit tree that other birds were eating and tried it. It didn't taste good to him at all, but since he had nothing to eat then it worked well. He didn't think it was toxic because others were eating it. He ate and fell asleep
