Funny: Candle knocked over during voodoo sex ritual causes apartment fire

 Candle knocked over during voodoo sex ritual causes apartment fire

"An unidentified woman hired a Voodoo priest for $300, identified as Nelson (Pepe) Pierre, to perform a mystic ceremony meant to bring her good luck. The woman went to Pierre's apartment, where she ended up in bed surrounded by lit candles which were mistakenly knocked over, setting the bed sheets on fire. In an effort to suppress the flames, Pierre splashed water from the bathroom sink on the sheets while his roommate, who was ironing at the time, opened a window for air. However, according to the New York Fire Department, wind gusting through the open window created a "blowtorch effect" which caused the fire to spread to the 4th floor hallway and into the 5th and 6th floors. The blaze killed one woman, three others were severely injured, and at least 20 firefighters were left with burn wounds."
The details of the ceremony were not clear, but sources say it led to sex.

That is sad and funny at the same time. 

It is a pity to think that everything went down like this. But it is funny to think that someone is doing some kind of a sex ritual with a voodoo priest. Did she want the person, whom she thought about during the ritual, to have sex with her? 
Maybe she put too much passion into her ritual, which made the idea so hot that the flames came into our world.



  1. Funny candles are very lucky. Why? Because they get to be a part of all the beautiful moments in life! When a man and woman decide to get married, they hold lit candles during the ceremony of betrothal.


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