I Love Pomegranate. It Is So Healthy

Fiber: 6 grams
Protein: 3 grams
Vitamin C: 31% of the RDI
Vitamin K: 35% of the RDI
I found a video where the pomegranate was opened so that the juice would not splash. "How to properly cut pomegranate." I tried to do it. The first time I gave up because the juice was still splashing everywhere. Now I opened it and it all came out beautifully. I eat 1 pomegranate every week. I like it. Cleaning is the nastiest but eating them is so good. It is best to eat them in front of the TV in the evening. A nice healthy snack.
In one study, people with hypertension had a significant reduction in blood pressure after consuming 5 ounces (150 ml) of pomegranate juice daily for two weeks.
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