Now a bunch of stuff happens, but I’m going to make it short. Gods are terrified, when they heard the news, so Ea went to his grandfather for an advice, and he suggested Marduk to be their army’s head in the coming fight. Marduk ever eager to prove his courage and prowess, agreed, but only if one condition is met after the victory. He wanted to be the King of Gods (like Zeus in Greek mythology). After considering it, they saw no other option to accept his ultimatum. He was given all sorts of weapons, even the four winds. Now all prepared for war, he and bunch of other gods went off to war.
Marduk, being clever as ever, set up a trap that Tiamat managed to fell in. Marduk declared Tiamat to be the source for all problems, which enraged Tiamat, and a single battle began. Marduk entraps Tiamat with Anu’s net, but Tiamat would not have it. She tried to swallow Marduk, but instead “the Evil Wind” enters her mouth. Marduk used his change and shot an arrow in Tiamat’s mouth which finally found its way to her heart. So was the end of Tiamat, the last living river, or sea monster, whichever form you prefer to give her. I like to think of her as a river, for even if they were dead with Apsu, they were still together in death.
After Tiamat’s allies saw her fall, they tried to scatter away from the battle, but Marduk would not have it. They were captured, weapons destroyed, and trapped in the net. Kingu was also taken a prisoner. Marduk smashed Tiamat's head with the mace, whilst her blood was carried off by the North Wind. As that wasn’t enough Marduk splits Tiamat’s remained in two: from one half he makes the sky, and the other was turned to land. Now Marduk did a lot of great things: created night and day, and also the moon. He created clouds, caused them to rain, and their water to make the Tigris and Euphrates. But most importantly he decided to make humans. For that he went to his sorcerer pal, Ea, who suggested that they should use a god as a sacrifice. After a little discussion, someone suggested Kingu. And Kingu was then chosen to be the sacrifice (whether he liked it or not). And so from his blood mankind was born! For what purpose would all-mighty gods need humans? The answer is rather simple: Gods needn’t be bothered with such trifles like working, but humans should do it in their stead.
And the story ends with Marduk being given fifty (at least that’s as much as it’s known) names or titles.
