My last months of pregnancy I felt like a huge mammoth. I had difficulties with putting clothes on, especially difficult was putting my boots on. Going up the stairs was a huge struggle. I did it wheezing and went up as slow as a snail. I was wishing to labor, but still I felt bit frightened. My doctor visits ended with the doctor saying that I mustn’t gain more weight! The baby would be too big making it very hard for me to give birth.
I was attending school, when I was pregnant my last months. I felt like a huge mammoth: one big animal slowly walking. My belly seemed to be everywhere and it was huge! I reached the queue for food last, though I was hungrier than all of them. Mornings were always the crazy ones. I could not get out of my bed, before I had eaten something. I was constantly tired. The worst days were when I had to go to a doctor in the morning, because I knew that she would not be happy with my weight. Every time I was too big for her, and I took on more weight.
On top of everything, two months before the probable deadline I started to swell too. I did not eat a lot of sugar, and I tried to eat as much fresh products as possible. Well, sometimes I did grab a small coca and a hot dog on my way home.
I had to go home by train. It was a 40 minute drive. And I fell asleep. It was very strange for me, because I never slept in trains. I was always afraid that I would miss my stop.
Last time visiting my doctor, she was again telling me, that I had gained weight. I told her that my legs are swollen, but she said it was normal in the end of pregnancy. I found that the most uncomfortable thing was the way she touched my belly. She had to check if the baby's head was in the proper place. It was not painful but awkward. I had had dreams where I saw that someone is trying to enter in my belly and it was very distressing for me. Doctor's touch reminded me those nightmares...
As I was curious to know more about a swollen body. I started to search from Doctor Google, how much swelling is normal at the end of pregnancy. I learnt, that in this case, your blood pressure should be monitored too. I discovered, that if your body is swollen, have high blood pressure and there are protein residues in your urine sample it is referring to pre-eclampsia. This is a very serious problem for pregnant women. It may be fatal, and so I began to check my blood pressure 1.5 months before the deadline. I saw that my blood pressure was very high. I felt water moving in my legs. I was swollen, my face seemed huge.
I went to another check and told my concerns to the doctor, and she called extraordinary midwife who ordered additional checks. I had to give blood, urine sample and I had to do cardiotocography (KTG). The KTG was unpleasant, because I had to stay still and it was quite uncomfortable for the belly to go out. I had to stay still for half an hour.
When the samples were given, I had to wait for the answers. It took more than half an hour and then I went to the doctor. The doctor asked if I had dizziness or eye drops. I said I did not, and I'm just lukewarm and my blood pressure is high. I was suggested to stay in the hospital, because the suspicion of pre-ecplampsia is quite high. So I stayed in the hospital.
I hated being in the hospital. I was bored and every morning it was necessary to give urine samples and every couple of hours to go to KTG. The worst thing was that, one week before my birthday I did not know if they would let me out of the hospital or not. I was then 34 weeks pregnant.
I had been in the hospital for more than a week. I was sharing the room with two other pregnant women. Every time, when the doctor came to speak with us, and someone else got out of the hospital and I had to stay in, I cried. I was missing my home and I was convinced that, I did everything right and I deserved to get out of the hospital. I started eating and drinking things that should lower my blood pressure. But nothing helped.
I already started to give up, but then one day the doctor came and said that she will prescribe me pills to lower my blood pressure and I could go home. I was so happy, that I could spend my birthday at home!
I had a birthday party and I was very pleased to stay at home. My partners' grandparents said they will go to a vacation and that I wouldn’t give birth in the near future. What could’ve I said? I just said, yes I try not to...
The next day I had to check my blood pressure again, even if I had eaten the pills the doctor prescribed, it was again very high. My partner was worried and he said we will visit the doctor straight away. I tried to say that I would like to sleep at home. But there was no arguing with him. And so to the hospital we went.
I had to do the same procedures and I was again hospitalized. I was in the hospital for a day and then the doctor wanted to talk with me. Since I've been sick for quite long it is better to recall the labor and if I like to give birth today or tomorrow. I answered, that I will give my answer once I have talked with my partner about it. Doctor agreed to return later.
I called my partner, who then phoned to his mother. Three of us decided, that I am going to labor on 16th, because we would have a beautiful birthday line. My birthday is on the 14th , his aunt 15th and my child would be on the 16th of February.
I went to the doctor's office and I said that I would be happy to give birth today – 16th of February. She checked whether my uterus was ready for it and she was surprised that it was not necessary to give the preparatory tablet. She thought she was going to open the water bottle and I could start giving birth. She took me to the laboring room. This day had a few births and I could go to laboring room right away. There she opened my water bottle and a decent tsunami came out of me. Fortunately, the livelihoods were clear and beautiful. While the doctor worked with me, there were 2 trainees, who were participating too and a midwife explained to them why and how. The practitioners also wanted to touch me, but the doctor banned them and said that I had already been tortured too much. And then began the proper childbirth activity...
