That magic period

Pregnancy is an interesting period. The time when I read a lot of articles and stories about giving birth, I was frightened and thinking about all the worse things that might happen. Now, looking back for that period I think being pregnant is much worse than giving birth.
In the beginning, it was all normal. I visited my doctor regularly, who weighed me always. I saw my weight and I had to repeat to myself constantly
„Dear girl you’re not fat, but pregnant.“
Every month little one inside of me was growing and growing, and so did my weight...
I continued to go to school, where my fellow students noticed that there is something wrong with my belly. It was visibly growing.
During one group work, that we had to do in school, I was asked:
„So, when is the deadline?“
And then the day came, when everybody noticed that I was pregnant. I thought that for sure people are judging me.
„Oh my god! Who would get pregnant like this? NOW? When she still has to graduate from school?“
Well, I know it, because I was doing it in my first year in high school, when I saw one student walking down from the stairs with big belly. It was actually my first thought that came into my mind.
„How irresponsible,“ I was thinking.
Now, when I was pregnant during my last year of school, I thought it was a hit from Mrs Karma. Do not judge others for their actions, otherwise Mrs Karma comes and might send you unexpected present. Just so you’d learn the lesson.
During the pregnancy, the hardest thing was waking up! I was constantly tired. I constantly slept in and missed most of my morning classes.
Another thing that I found very problematic was dressing up... Yes, I know what you might think... „Dressing up? Problematic? Seriously cannot be...“
But yes, for me it was quiet funny. Sometimes I went out from house with sweater upside down. 1 day in the classroom it was so hot, I wanted to remove my sweater, but surprise-surprise, there was nothing except the bra. I forgot to put on my t-shirt. Yes, I forgot! Another lesson I learnt was to use simple underwear, nothing with some decorations. If something should be out from your pants, you would be able to see only your big belly. Even if you check yourself in front of the mirror, the belly hides everything below, like a curtain.
That was my experience. I put on my lace underwear that had as well some decorations on them.
„Why not,“ I was thinking „Underwear is underwear.“
Until that embarrassing day, when my classmate asked me:
„Oh! What is this there?“ indicating to me the decoration that was out.
Well, it was not the only embarrassing moment during my pregnancy.
Last months of my pregnancy, I had to pee a lot. I asked to go to toilet various times. Two months before the delivery, my pants were constantly wet. I was thinking that I am doing great job holding my pee, but reality showed that, I was not an expert at all.
My pants were constantly wet. I was thinking that, for sure everybody sees my wet pants.
As if it was not much, last two months I couldn’t dress up at all. I was giddy as a koala, peeing my pants and on the top of it all I swollen up too. I felt my body as one huge moving aquarium with one huge fish inside of it. Swollen body during pregnancy is a sign of pre-eclampsia, which is dangerous for baby and to the mother. My doctor told me to check blood pressure constantly, which eventually was too high. And then I was submitted to hospital.
I truly did not like hospitals. They are terrible. But there I was, waiting for the results of my analyses...
