I want to spend my life with one person

I read the news the other day. It was about a woman with three children from different men.
Every life is different, I do not want to judge or say anything, but I do not understand why not we cannot choose a person to stay with?
It made me think about love. What is this thing called "love"? For me, it is a huge series of problems that you need to solve. But important thing about it is, that you will never give up on solving these set of problems!
All problems couple face should be solved or be forgotten entirely. I have been fighting a lot with my partner. We have had days when we did not talk to each other. At one moment we forget our original problem and we go on to our next quarrel.
But I've never had an idea to leave him. No matter how much we quarrel, and how much he irritates me, I wouldn't leave him. Maybe I'm too lazy for it?
This feeling, I guess, should be mutual in a relationship. no matter how many troubles there might be, one should not go looking for a new life elsewhere.
This is love for me, but for some reason, love and falling in love is mixed up. Falling for someone is easy, you fail to notice all the flaws this special someone has, and these things might start to annoy you later on.
Love in the other hand is a set of problems, that one does not give up on solving.
Important is to understand those couples, who cannot cope with their quarrels. Some people will never be able to understand each other and will grow apart sooner or later...
