How often do you cry?

It is said that crying reduces stress, but I feel that I might be crying too much.
Tears start to flow about 3-4 a times a week, because it's getting clearer every day that life isn't all about "rainbows and sunshine". But everyone has to endure their own problems and I can't compare my hard life with someone else's difficult life. It's obvious that another person's life is even less tolerable than mine at this point.
Why do I cry so often? Well, it just may be the fact, that some kind of a problem always pops up every week. Let's start with Monday, not Sunday, because why not? My baby pooped in the bed at night. We had to wake up and clean it. We woke up in the morning and he surprised us by saying:
"Mom, look! Poop!"
In addition to that, I couldn't sleep at night and I was so tired in the morning and through out the day. The day went on and then the cat peed on our couch. I was so vicious and frustrated. We have to have everything in one room at the moment, because the other room is being renovated. And the room stank, because of the cat pee and baby's poo.
And, of course, by the end of the day, my baby dropped his juice glass a few times on the floor, so I had to clean up the juice several times.
Now let's move on to Tuesday. Here's to hoping that nothing will go wrong this day! Yet, something always have to go awry. I had a headache and wanted to rest, but couldn't. The child wants attention, the apartment needs cleaning and the cats need feeding. So I cleaned and played with my child, though I had a terrible headache.
Wednesday I couldn't even wake up before trouble began, for I had horrible dreams. There were some kind of demons and other horrible things. So I had a sleepless night... AGAIN!
Thursday, alas, fared no better. I learned that we have problems with money and the expenses have gone up. And of course my precious child did not give peace either. He peed in his clean clothes, which I had to wash later on. My microwave made a shining voice and I thought it was broken, when I cleaned it. Before that I thought the vacuum cleaner was broken, because the dust bag door did not want to close. A terrible day to be sure!
Friday was Women's Day and I was alone with my child all night. My partner visited his parents and relatives in the village and brought flowers to the women. I got three small tulips. But I can't complain. I put my sleepy baby to bed and started drinking wine. Started to watch my show in peace with wine in one hand and my phone in the other. I was alone until 11 pm.
On Saturday, I broke my tooth: a piece of it fell out. It causes so much pain! But the dentist is expensive, it would take approximately 200 euros, to pull this tooth out. I'll get some money in a few months and will go to the doctor. On top of all that, the car battery broke, too. Again, we need money to fix it! Car has to be in order at the end of the month.
Such simple things, that make my life "complicated" , and I cry several times a week. I feel helpless and lost in those moments...
But in every stage of life, you should always say "bless this moment and I am grateful". It always helps.
How often do you cry and why? :)
