A regular day in Australia.

The day started like any other: I woke up, pet my cat and drank coffee. Yesterday's newspaper was on the table. I didn't read it yesterday, and I'm not planning to read it today either. Its headline was: „A massive fire has taken many lives“.
At first, you might find it bizarre that anybody would consider this normal, but the time passes and you just get used to the wildfires. I got used to it after a couple of months, but reading about it still gives me shivers. So I put my paper down and went to the living room to watch TV. News Channel was on. I guess I forgot to change it last night.
Oh, well lets see what's going on in the rest of the world.
In the last few weeks, there were massive heat waves across our land. Causing many troubles like forest fires. But people can feel relieved now, in a few days from now it will start to rain.“
Maybe not all is bad in Australia, maybe I can even….
My apologies, it may seem that I mistook our weather report. It actually says that it's going to get hotter and there will be no relief to it in a closer future. But we, Australians, are tough people and we can…“
And now the propaganda bullshit will start again:
„We are tough, and we can manage to come through every kind of situation that life throws at us!“ „Ah, I hate the propaganda in Australia. It's so… Annoying! Same talk, all the time, again, and again.“ I said to myself.
I closed the TV, frustration getting the better of me. My cat jumped on my lap. Petting him, calmed me down. When he jumped off my lap, I went outside to have a look of our magnificent nature. I had a porch, and there was a chair, where I could sit for hours and hours peacefully. Sometimes I even drank my morning coffee there and tried to read the newspaper.
Anyway, I sat down on my favorite chair and I felt relaxed after a couple of minutes or so. Suddenly I noticed a snake in the grass. I'm not afraid of snakes, I find them quite cute in fact. When I started to approach the snake to have a better look at it, a spider walks into a picture. And it was no ordinary spider: it was huge! But it just may be my phobia tricking me to thinking that it was bigger than it really was. I calmly started to walk back in the direction I came from. And when the spider ate the snake, I was terrified and intrigued at the same time. I couldn't and still can't believe that a spider could eat a snake. I ran back into my house.
I laid down on the couch and grabbed a book on the table. Some reading will calm my nerves. Hours passed and night time started to set in. Before I noticed it I fell fast asleep.
„Dammit! It always happens with this book,“ I said to myself. I should really start reading something else. What's this book called anyway? The title was "Discovering new tribes in Southern America" written by a famed author Max Publicus. Why did I think this book could be interesting to read?... Oh, right, everybody praised this book to high heavens. So I was intrigued. Last time I trust someone else's opinion on books, that's for damn sure!
Lunchtime started to kick in, but I wasn't that hungry. Actually, it happens quite often, when I don't have to work, I skip my lunch. I made dinner by myself if you don't consider my cat purring beside me as help.
After my stomach was full, I decided to lay down on the couch and started to watch TV again. I managed to watch a couple of movies. One film was a horror-comedy. I read the summary beforehand, and it seemed interesting, but it turned out to be neither funny nor terrifying. The second movie I managed to watch, before falling asleep unintentionally, was again a horror movie, but in space! Who doesn't love to watch a good sci-fi movie now and again? But this movie was so badly written that no wonder I fell asleep before the movie managed to come to a conclusion.
Many hours have past and the sun is starting to shine.
„… And may God bless us all. And if the Satan's claws get any of us, remember if there's a will there is a way. And we WILL find a way to save each and every one of you! Furthermore...“
„God damn you sun! Why do you have to shine so bright! And how this religious crap found it's way here! This day doesn't start well. Like other days here,“ I said to myself.
